Phenomenology of Existence as Realism in Neorealism Cinema from the Perspective of Andre Bazen and the Philosophy of Existentialism

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Faculty of Arts, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Art, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD, Professor, Department of Art, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Bazen's ontology examination in the concept of realism in art does not contemplate objectivity as the only principle of presenting a realistic work of art; thus, according to his belief, the existential philosophy of a work should be deliberated. In fact, he does not cogitate the honest reproduction of reality as art; and realism in his opinion is achieved by a mental effort towards the objectivity of the image and based on the lack of judgment and the psychological need to recreate the world in the image. This research, which is considered as a fundamental goal and is descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection, examines Bazen's phenomenological point of view in neorealism cinema. The findings of the research show how Bazen relates to the link between neorealism and existentialism. In the course of the aesthetics of film or art, a kind of moral responsibility is given to the artist, and in terms of the aesthetics of the film, it raises an existential responsibility rather than making art a problem. The ontology of existentialism emphasizes the originality of existence, and based on this, Bazen considers the image of reality to be far from a montage and a distorted scene. Bazen's attention to the moral concept in realism in neorealism is based on the conditions that the structure of neorealism cinema shows decently, in other words, the non-partiality of the viewer in the world of the work, which frees him to think about himself in the work; not similar to expressionists in which a specific and directed thought is imposed on him.

Research aims:
1. The study of the phenomenology of existence as realism in neorealism cinema from the perspective of Andre Bazen.
2. Phenomenology of existence as realism in neorealism cinema from the perspective and philosophy of existentialism.

Research questions:
1. How is the phenomenology of existence as realism in neorealism cinema from Andre Bazen's point of view?
2. How is the phenomenology of existence as realism in neorealism cinema from the perspective of existentialism philosophy?


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