Develop a legal system in the field of art focusing on music, cinema and theater

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Law, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.



The laws and legal system in the field of art with a focus on music, cinema and theater are facing many gaps and challenges. This article seeks to find gaps in the legal system and laws in the field of art and provide a model for legislators to legislate a comprehensive law of art. The study revealed five structural problems, which are: lack of specific law of art, instrumental view of art for the realization of "Islamic and Iranian art", guardian view of "butterfly system" works of art instead of "registration system", lack of attention to " The rule of law, especially the "civil liability of the state" and, ultimately, non-transparent artistic enterprise. Therefore, according to the above-mentioned structural flaws and flaws in the laws and regulations mentioned in the article, in order to present the "model of a comprehensive law of art",
Research objectives
1- Lack of a specific law of art, a tool view of art for the realization of "Islamic and Iranian art"
2- Sometimes the guardian of the "license system" works of art instead of the "registration system", not paying attention to the "rule of law"
research questions
1- How not to have a specific law of art, a tool view of art for the realization of "Islamic and Iranian art"
2- How sometimes the guardian of the "license system" works of art instead of the "registration system", not paying attention to the "rule of law"


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