Recognition of the Characteristics of Iranian Art and Civilization of the Sassanid City of Gur (224 BC. -1300.)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Salman Farsi University, Kazerun, Iran.


 The city is the last phase in the development of the primitive human environment. Cities are the crystallization of the cultural, economic, social and physical systems of their time. The existing cities in Iran undergone various stages in terms of formation. The study of the history of urban planning in Iran dates back to ancient times. Today, traces of a number of such cities remain. The city of Gur, which dates back to the Sassanid period, is one of the cities mentioned above. The city of Gur is a symbol of the manifestation and exhibition of the consequences of the human soul and the performance of gathering of the Iranian community in the formation and organization of one of the significant urban spaces in Iran in the early Sassanid era. The city of Gur is the first city founded by the Sassanids. The issue raised here is the possibility of recognizing the art and civilization of the Sassanid era by examining this historic city. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is library and documentary analysis. Findings of the research indicate that the city of Gur expresses the personality, destiny and the passage of historical developments of the people of this land; furthermore, its knowledge in the form of culture and civilization of Sassanid Iran can be deliberated. Acknowledging the city of Gur is not only significant in terms of geographic features rather it is the recognition of political, cultural, social, artistic and architectural values; in other words, the city is a piece of history that has been materialized from the mind and embodied in the form of public habitats, networks, streets, public places, fire temples and observatories.
Research aims:
1. Recognition of the city of Gur as an ancient city.
2. Investigation of the elements of art and civilization of the Sassanid era in the city of Gur.
Research questions:
1. What are the characteristics of the city of Gur as an ancient city?
2. What is the reflection of Sassanid art and civilization in the city of Gur?


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