A manifestation of the intersection of literature and architecture in the symmetrical patterns of the dome of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran



Man is by nature a lover of beauty, and the feeling of enjoying the beauty of anything or a person is the result of understanding the order and harmony in it. In aesthetic discussions, to beautify a work or phenomenon, various factors such as symmetry, balance, periodicity, proportionality, repetition, contradiction, etc. can be considered. Symmetry, as one of the most fundamental foundations of art and beauty in understanding the order between the components, plays an undeniable role in most sciences and arts. Among them, we can mention sciences and arts such as mathematics, geometry, astronomy, architecture, music, painting, carpet weaving, design, gilding, woodcarving, literature, etc. From the studies of this research, it appears that there are many similarities and differences between the two Islamic-Iranian arts of literature and architecture in terms of words and concepts. Sometimes literature uses architectural designs and patterns in creating imaginary images, and sometimes architecture uses the words and concepts of literature in creating some designs and designs of buildings and even calligraphy. .
In this research, with the help of library tools and document research and data analysis, after mentioning some commonalities of Persian literature and architecture, we have studied the manifestation of literary concepts in the symmetrical patterns of the dome of Sheikh Lotf-Allah Mosque in Isfahan.


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