A Jurisprudential-Legal Review of the Government's Civil Responsibility for Citizen’s Livelihood; A Look at the Reflection of Stability and Social Justice in Contemporary Graphic Artworks

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Mahallat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahallat, Iran.

2 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Mahallat Mahalla, Islamic Azad University, Mahallat, Iran.



One of the significant responsibilities of the government is to provide the welfare and livelihood of the citizens, one of the main duties of the welfare states and Islamic states at particular. According to Muslim economists, economics based on Islamic principles, whether as an economic system or school, is influenced by the worldview and value structure of Islam. The explanation of the relationship between the value system of Islam and the Islamic economy, as well as the explanation of how these values crystallize in the Islamic economic system, have been the subject of discussion by many Muslim economists. The right to livelihood is also introduced as a principle of Islamic economics, which reflects the worldview and value system of Islam. The present research has been carried out in a descriptive and analytical way by focusing on the data of library and documentary sources. The findings of the research indicate that citizenship rights have had a exceptional consequence on the government that can be categorized in four sections including: civil, political, economic-social and cultural. The existence of relevant laws in this field, such as the Constitution, the Islamic Penal Code, the Civil Liability Law, the Labor Law, the Civil Liability Compulsory Insurance Law, as well as the Maritime Law are indicative of the government's responsibility that ensures its obligation to warrant the welfare of citizens and their livelihood. provided in special circumstances. These laws are based on jurisprudence and legal principles, which remind us of the principle of Islamic justice. Unquestionably, the position of the government should also be mentioned in this context that can fulfill this civic responsibility by collecting taxes, paying subsidies, reforming the ownership system and changing prices. The issue of social justice in the contemporary period is also reflected in works of art such as graphics and is considered one of the imperative social themes.

Research aims:
1. Recognizing the government's responsibility towards people's livelihood from a jurisprudential and legal point of view.
2. Examining the problem of stability and social justice in contemporary graphic works.

Research questions:
1. What is the government's legal and jurisprudential responsibility for people's livelihood?
2. How is the issue of stability and social justice reflected in contemporary graphic works?


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