Investigating the intertextual relations of Attar Neyshabouri's poems with Quranic stories reflected in Safavid painting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran,



Intertextual theory is a new phenomenon in the West, but old and deep-rooted in Islamic literature. The use of words, themes and concepts of the verses of the Holy Quran in literary works is one of the most interesting topics in literary criticism. Attar's poems have many intertextual occasions that can be studied according to the intertextual approach in order to be influenced by the concepts of Quranic verses. In this research, using the analytical-comparative method, we have examined the aspects of Attar Neyshabouri's poems being influenced by the words, compositions, interpretations, concepts and themes of Quranic verses at the levels of implicit, propositional, and lexical effectiveness. With Quranic verses, allusive and lexical effects are more frequent.
Purpose of the research
Investigating the intertextual relations of Attar Neyshabouri's poems with Quranic verses
Research questions
1- Which type of intertextual relations is most used in Attar Neyshabouri's poems?
2- What is the main purpose of Attar Neyshabouri in using other texts among his poems?
3- How did Attar use Quranic concepts and themes in his poems?
Keywords: Holy Quran, Attar Neyshabouri, intertextuality, poetry


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