A Comparative Study of Narrative and Architecture: The Role of Narrative in Increasing Audience Interactions in the Museums of Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of the Department of Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran



According to Cartesianism and the duality of the primacy of the mind over the body, museums have been influenced by visual concepts since their inception in the seventeenth century, and the play was considered a purely visual experience. With the importance of the role of the audience in the twentieth century, the capacity of the body to protect the memory and empathy in practice was gradually considered. The purpose of this study is a comparative study of narrative and space and analysis of the role of narrative in increasing the social interactions of audiences in museums in Tehran. Tehran, as the historical and cultural capital of the country, offers several narratives of urban spaces. This study is of applied type and is based on the data theory of the foundation. The presence of the audience in space increases the opportunity for social interaction. In the process of embodying museums, the audience empathizes with their predecessors in past events, interacts with other visitors, and ultimately creates their own narrative from space.
Aims of Research:
1- Identifying the components through which the narration improves the quality of the museum space.
2- Recognizing how the audience relates to the museum in the process of perceiving space
Research Questions:
1- Through what components does narration improve the quality of the museum space?
2- What is the relationship between the museum and the audience in the process of perceiving space?


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