Analyzing the Characteristics of Logo Analysis as a Paratext in the Visual Perception of Iran Airlines

Document Type : Original Article


1 P. H. D., Student of art research, faculty of art, department of research sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 P. H. D,, Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 P.H. D., Professor of Graphics Department, Faculty of Arts, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Paratexts are influential and constructive factors outside the text that invite the audience to the world inside the text and make them familiar with the hidden corners and circumstances of text creation that generate the creation and formation of meaning. Logos as a paratext are the first interface between the audience and the visual perception of the brand that aid the audience to read the brand correctly. The importance of these paratexts is that by analyzing and discovering the implied meanings, a better understanding of the brand can be achieved. For this reason, having a logo is a necessity for business; since a decent logo will help business growth and attract customers by sending the right message and creating trust, distinguishing itself from competitors and keeping loyal customers. After conducting the combined research method and using the structural equation technique, the results of this research show that the qualitative indicators of simplicity, color harmony, mental persistence, differentiation, paratext coordination with the text, expressiveness and clarity, visual balance, dynamism, practicality and cultural identity were introduced as logo reading indicators that have an effect on enhancing the visual perception of the brand and were analyzed in relation to six airlines in Iran. Finally, it was found that reading the logo in the paratext position through its characteristics, which are the ten indicators mentioned, directly affects the perception of the visual brand as the main text and a dependent variable with the dimensions of believability, reliability, authenticity, uniqueness, acceptability and visual appeal affects.

Research aims:
1. Identifying the effective indicators of logo reading in the visual perception of Iranian airline brands.
2. Improving the visual quality of airline brands by achieving logo readability indicators as paratext.

Research questions:
1. How does the reading of the logo as a paratext affect the visual perception of the brand?
2. What characteristics in the reading of Iranian airlines' logos have turned it into an effective paratext for these brands?


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