Representation of localism in Ahmad Mahmoud's novels and contemporary Iranian painting

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Pure Literature, Department of Persian Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

3 stant Professor, Department of Persian Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.



Native literature is a type of literature that reflects the living and native conditions of a region, customs and beliefs, culture, has made his works worthy of examination and reflection from the perspective of local and regional literature. For this reason, the present essay is devoted to the investigation of Ahmad Mahmoud's linguistic tricks in the representation of native literature in the novels "Safar-degree Circuit" and "Temple Fig Tree". The result of the research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical way and with the method of library studies, shows that Ahmad Mahmoud uses the local language and dialect in these novels, which are the local words and expressions, the local dialect, allusions and proverbs. It includes vernacular language, repetition of letters and climatic similes, it has reflected the native literature of the southern region. research goals: 1- Analyzing the way of reflecting localism in the two novels "Temple Fig Tree" and "Zero Orbit" by Ahmed Mahmoud, as one of the prominent writers of the southern region, is the main goal of this research. 2- The frequency of allusions and proverbs that are rooted in the category of localism is very important and it is necessary to pay special attention to this category in finding the roots of allusions and proverbs. research questions: 1- How has Ahmed Mahmoud introduced the native literature of the southern region in two novels, The Fig Tree, Temples and Zero Degree Circuit? 2- How has nativeism been manifested in contemporary Iranian painting?


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