CFD analysis of the thermal behavior of the stable habitat of Mars with an emphasis on the geometrical modeling of Iranian domes

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Researcher in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran



In today's era, the environmental crisis and energy shortage have become a big challenge for architects, investors and users of the building industry. One of the architectural design requirements in the process of achieving the optimal building in terms of energy consumption is the amount of receiving and maintaining (not receiving) the temperature from the sun's radiation in order to create thermal comfort for residents and users. mechanical engineers have joined the help of architects and have shared their views about life in space. Basically, the architecture of the space is a generalization of the architecture of the earth, and since about 40% of the energy consumption is in the building sector, the use of active and passive heating (and cooling) ways helps significantly to reduce energy consumption, in this research, while identifying the effective components in the physical and environmental structure of the design of a sustainable habitat on Mars, by creating a configuration inspired by dome building and suitable for the special climatic conditions of Mars, the factor of providing thermal comfort to the inhabitants of the habitat with the optimal combination of layers of glass and Let's examine the Martian concrete material. In this study, the research method "simulation and modeling" is used, and the materials and method to achieve this goal is the use of computer simulation. by increasing the level of Martian concrete and decreasing the level of glass, the incoming radiation has less opportunity to exit the domain and the energy loss has decreased.


Main Subjects

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