Investigation and comparison of the political and social themes of the poems of Marouf al-Rasafi and Parvin Etisami in contemporary painting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran.



Regarding the relationship between political thought and poetry, poets can be divided into three groups;Politician poets and possibly militant or party poets, poets regardless of political concerns, and finally poets who, but sometimes even more than two groups First, they reflect the social and political issues and problems of their era and recount the pains and deprivations of their society and people.although Al-Rasafi's poetry in Iraq is anti-authoritarian. In the current research, the analysis of some of the common political and social themes in the famous poem of the contemporary Iraqi poet Al-Rasafi and the contemporary Persian poet Parvin Etsami has been placed in the face of courage; This research, which was carried out with the descriptive and analytical method and the use of various library sources, and especially the emphasis on the court of the two mentioned poets, aims to explain and scrutinize the common elements such as poverty and scarcity, patriotism and authoritarianism that These two poets have investigated under the influence of the prevailing conditions of their society. Research objectives: 1. Review and comparison of political and social issues from the two poets' point of view. 2. Investigating the political, literary and social conditions of the time of both poets. research questions: 1) What are the most important common political and social issues that have been manifested in the court of two poets? 2) What was the position of the two poets regarding the political and social issues of the society?


Main Subjects

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