Analysis of Romantic content of some images by Reza Abbasi with emphasis on "Lady of imagination" on the basis of Sadrolmotallehin’s ideas

Document Type : Original Article




The romantic purpose of Persian poems in painting returned to times before Isfahan's school.    Reza Abbasi’s works, including romance and lyrical themes, divised a new style in Iranian  design and painting.The inner connection of various components of Lyrical works of Reza with the new composition not as the past works but away from the perspective, the shadow and in harmony of new Sadr-al-Mutalehin illustrate the culture and art of first shah abbas era's. Reza Abbasi’s works are of different romantic, mystical, epic and social themes. In the current study some of the artist’s images with romantic themes are analyzed in line with the ideas of Mulla Sadra. Reza mysteriously reveals the romantic and mystical motifs and subjects in the world around that are obvious in the hidden layers of his works.
      Afif's love can be found in the Molasadra's view and in some of Reza's work and start with an observation and ends with some allegories which is itself another beginning and at the end finished by accretion of love and beloved and being unify with GOD and unification.The objective of this study lies in the achievement of the principles of covert and overt romantic moods in the works of Reza Abbasi, Shah Abbasid artist, and matching and comparing them with the intellectual components of Mulla Sadra on Love. Thus, first, the views of Sadra in love will express and in the following, some of the works of Reza Abbasi, which are lyrical in contents and it seems to be alingned with Sadra’s votes on love, will be analyzed. To achieve this, in this study, according to the analysis, comparative and collection methods and through library data collection from the available books, museums and analysis of the gathered data, the gained results support that most of Reza Abbasi’s works are connected to Sadra’s intellectual components on Love. 


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