Interaction of Meta-Function in Wandering Island and Ibrahim Sultan’s Shāhnāmeh

Document Type : Original Article


1 Kerman Shahid Bahonar University Facuity of Literature and Humanities, Department of Persian Language and Literature, kerman, Iran

2 Kerman Shahid Bahonar University Facuity of Literature and Humanities Department of Persian Language and Literature

3 Kerman Shahid Bahonar University Facuity of Literature and Humanities, Department of Persian Language and Literature



In linguistics functional theory is an approach to describe and analyze the texts. In this approach, for discourse analysis, three meta- functions entitled experiential, interpersonal and textual are considered. By examining the structure of the sentence, this approach explains the different types of processes and their function in the sentence, and on this basis, the sender of message presents his experiences, thoughts and perceptions of events and phenomena in the inner world and outside. According to Halliday viewpoint, it is assumed that patterns of experience are represented in the form of processes and through the role of thought in language. As a result, one can become aware of the author's experiences, thoughts, and world by examining the different processes in verbs and determining how often they occur in the story. Therefore, considering this question and the close relationship between mind and language, the present study examined the processes used in the novel Wandering Island through the method of qualitative content analysis. The results show in this novel Simin Daneshvar, while portraying the socio-political developments of the contemporary era, reflected her feminine views in the personality of Hasti and used material and relational processes to describe and narrate the events. She was able to speak about the social situation and the status and role of women as well.


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