The Power of Senses in the Artwork of the Disabled Photographers with Emphasis on the Philosophy of the Bodyless Body of Gilles Deleuze (Case Study of the Works of Pete Eckert and Ahmad Zolkarnian)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.

3 Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Lecturer, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.



The creation of artworks by individuals depends on various individual and social factors. In this regard, due to the close relationship between artistic creation and physical and spiritual ability, issues regarding the possibility and how to create a work of art by people with disabilities are raised. Deleuze's philosophy affirms that the creation of a work of art does not require a special organization nor does it necessitate the physical development of mankind; hence, it is possible to create a work of art without an organized body and a disabled person can easily create a magnificent artwork through the power of his senses. This research follows a qualitative method and by the aid of library studies it seeks to study of the effects of photography of disabled photographers who describe the philosophy of the body without any parts as the main component of the art of photography to transfer the power of art, creation and scrutiny in photography. In this study, the works of Pete Eckert and Ahmad Zorkarnian as artists with disabilities are examined. The findings of the study indicate that people with disabilities can also create a fragmented but perfect artistic creation based on the view of Deleuze's body, which is based on emotion and senses. Relying on the philosophy of the body, physical disability does not prevent the creation of a work of art in photography; therefore, by understanding the concept of existence and sensation in art, people with disabilities can create works of art that are alive and spectacular.

Research aims:
1. To investigate the possibility of eliminating physical disability in photography based on Deleuze's body philosophy.
2. To recognize the effect of physical and mental factors in creating a work of art.

Research questions:
1. What is the role of senses in the works of art of the photographer according to Deleuze's body philosophy?
2. What physical and mental factors play a role in the artist's creation of his works of art?


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