Recognition of Iranian Architectural Features and its Reflection on Ottoman Architecture (A Comparative Study of Architectural Ornaments in Anatolian Schools and Iranian Architecture)

Document Type : Original Article


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The art and architecture of the Roman Seljuk was influenced by the art of Damascus, before the presence of Iranians. However, the advent of Iranian artists and cultural exchanges between these two areas led to resemblance of the Seljuk’s architecture with Iranian designs and ornaments. Furthermore, during the history of Islam, especially the Seljuk era, Iran has always been one of the main centers of Islamic art. Taking inspiration from the art of Iran and Byzantium in the field of architecture, the Ottomans had made great strides. Due to the proximity of Iran and the Ottoman Empire, as well as their cultural exchanges and commonalities of governments, the arts and architecture of these two lands have made them similar to each other and benefited from one another. In this research, a comparative study was conducted to explore the architectural characteristics and elements of the schools built in the Seljuk era of Rome inspired by Iranian mosques and schools that were established during Seljuk times (Nezamiyeh). Accordingly, using the method of historical-interpretive research, these aftereffects in two domains of design and planning along with the use of decorative designs were discussed in this study. The findings of this research showed that certain aspects of Iran’s architectural designs and decorative ornaments were used in the architecture of Ottoman schools (Nezamiyeh).


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