Mental associations in understanding the characteristics of Islamic architecture

Document Type : Original Article




Islamic architecture as the symbol of identity, history and culture of this wide land has always been inspiring to many artists and architects. Therefore, restoring the values ​​of the architecture as a valuable heritage depends on understanding of its different features and elements. In this regard, study on the Islamic architecture can focus on its meaning, design principles and physical elements. As the audiences of this art mostly concern with its physical aspects, using these elements based on their mental images can lead us to create spaces and buildings that can transfer the same valuable meanings to future generations.With this aim, the research tried to achieve audiences’ images from Islamic architecture by surveying their mental associations. Totally, 137 graduated of architecture participated and described their first mental associations and the first picture that they had in their mind about Islamic architecture. The results indicates design approach, light and space, decorations, physical elements, monuments and temples, and spirituality; were the most important associated elements and decoration was the first element among other mentioned elements. In addition, the mosques and religious buildings were the subject of most of collected pictures from participants.


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