Prayer in the richness of lifestyle (based on the poems of illustrated copies of Ferdowsi, Saadi, Rumi and Hafez)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar, Iran



Prayer in Persian poetry is a sign of my effort to connect with the Creator. The poet appreciates the valuable opportunity to speak to God through prayer, and regardless of rejecting or accepting prayer, he considers himself indebted and thankful to God. Prayer in the poetry of the greats of Persian literature, especially in the four pillars and pillars of this precious literature (Ferdowsi, Rumi, Saadi and Hafez) has a real, celestial and Qur'anic origin and is the result of the grace and mercy of the God of the world who blesses the servants and It gives the opportunity of prayer and the life-giving nectar of prayer to its special people. That is why prayer in the works of these pillars of Persian literature is a matter of pain, need and lamentation, and it is a kind of need and supplication, and in fact it is the key to opening. This article will try to answer the question that the difference between their way of looking and their poetic style - according to their essence and nature - in the discussion of prayer and supplication, despite having a common ultimate goal which is to transcend the human soul and psyche, to the extent Extent and strength to be answered.


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